Meet Christine!

Welcome to my blog!
My name is Christine Richters.
Much of my childhood was spent in Dodge City, Kansas...
I was up-rooted as a teen and went off to California to begin a new life. A much different life.
In May of 1986 I was Playboy's centerfold.
Today, I hope that you will grab a cup of coffee or tea, sit and stay awhile, and enjoy a dose of my daily ramblings.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Good Morning..Another beautiful day in So. California..Rather busy today.I will catch up on things a little later on.. XOXO


  1. Hi Chris, How did you get involved with Playboy? Any regrets with the decision? If your daughter decided to be a playmate how would you feel and would you support her?


  2. Hello Mike,
    To answer your questions...I sent a couple bikini snapshots in and Playboy called and asked me to do a test shoot.All went well and I became a Playmate.The only regret I really have is that I should have done more with Playboy at that time.You can travel ALL over the world and I wish I had done that.I have met some really awsome people through Playboy.
    If my daughter wanted to do Playboy I would support her all the way. I think she would have a blast
