Meet Christine!

Welcome to my blog!
My name is Christine Richters.
Much of my childhood was spent in Dodge City, Kansas...
I was up-rooted as a teen and went off to California to begin a new life. A much different life.
In May of 1986 I was Playboy's centerfold.
Today, I hope that you will grab a cup of coffee or tea, sit and stay awhile, and enjoy a dose of my daily ramblings.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Good Morning..
I've been watching the Olympic's and TEAM USA has the most medals so far. 14 total.
Got a busy day ahead of me so I will check in a little bit later.


  1. Some guy just crashed his plane into an IRS building in Texas! I just don't understand people.


  2. Hi Mike.
    The whole world is going MAD...Craziness..
